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Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights PCCA USA’s and PCCA Canada’s 2024 award winners, including recipients of our inaugural Compounding Technician of the Year award. Join us in celebrating their work and dedication to patients and prescribers, as well as their tireless efforts to advocate for our profession.
Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Peoples Compounding Center in Austin, Texas. Nicola Trevis, BS, RPhT, Pharmacy Director, shares what “Compounding: It’s Personal” means to the team, their enduring relationship with PCCA and much more. Peoples Compounding Center has been a proud PCCA member since 1985.
October 15 is National Pharmacy Technician Day! Our Profile in Personalize Medicine highlights Katie Albers, CPhT, Pharmacy Manager and Co-Owner, along with Dawn Trame, RPh, and Richard W. Schulte, Esq., of Impact Compounding, located in Tipp City, Ohio. We asked Katie what “Compounding: It’s Personal” means to her and her pharmacy, why she was drawn to compounding and so much more.
Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Erik Nelson, PharmD, FAAMFM, FACA, owner of Koru Pharmacy in Spokane, Washington. Erik shares what “Compounding: It’s Personal” means in his pharmacy, his motivation to become a compounding pharmacist, a special patient success story and more. Erik has been a proud PCCA member since 2013.
Our Profile in Personalized Medicine highlights Neda Debassige Toeg, BSP, RPh, founder and owner of Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding in Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. Neda shares her experience as the first Indigenous-owned and operated pharmacy on a reserve in Canada, highlighting the impact on her community and patients. She also shares what motivated her to become a compounding pharmacist, the special role compounders hold in healthcare and more. Nada has been a proud PCCA member since 2019.
Pharmacy students interested in compounding, networking and learning have some amazing opportunities offered by PCCA Institute, including a scholarship contest to speak at ThinkNext: International Seminar 2024.
Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Greg Roberts, RPh, and Steve Trimble, RPh, of Harbin Pharmacy in Birmingham, Alabama. Greg shares what “Compounding: It’s Personal” means in their pharmacy, what motivated him to become a compounding pharmacist, as well as shares a personal patient success story and more. Harbin Pharmacy has been a proud PCCA member since 2004.
Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Eddie Wright, PharmD, ABAAHP, FAAMM, of Healthway Compounding Pharmacy in Saginaw, Michigan. Eddie shares what “Compounding: It’s Personal” means at Healthway and in his personal life, as well as the evolving role of compounding pharmacists and more. Healthway Compounding Pharmacy has been a proud PCCA member since 1991.
Zachary Green, CPhT, Director of Professional Affairs at the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and Director of the Pharmacy Technician Educators Council (PTEC), shares his experience and insights on pharmacy technician certification, career opportunities and more.
Our Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Matthew McLachlan, BPharm, MPS, co-owner of O’Hara's Pharmacy 777 Kalamunda in Kalamunda, Western Australia. Matthew shares what motivated him to become a compounding pharmacist, how his pharmacy promotes compounding in their community and more. He and co-owner Andrew Mason, BPharm, MPS, have been proud PCCA members since 2018.