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The PCCA Blog



Stay current on PCCA news and events, market trends, and all things compounding!


PCCA Science is at the forefront of compounding research and development. Yi Liu, PhD, a PCCA research pharmacist, walks us through a few recent and exciting developments from the PCCA Science division.


Dylan Herr, RA/QA Development Manager at Eagle, understands that the revised USP <797> chapter for sterile compounding makes significant revisions to the old chapter. In this latest article, Dyan is happy to provide you with an overview of those changes and strategies for implementing them.


The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes. This is true even when it comes to nonsterile compounding and USP <795>. PCCA Clinical Compounding Pharmacist Matt Martin, PharmD, addresses notable changes of the new USP guidelines and provides some considerations regarding implementation.


Renee Prescott, PCCA's Director of Education and Training, gives us a run down on what to be excited about at this year's International Seminar coming up in October!

July 2019 Profile in Personalized Medicine - Megan-Pasookhush.png

Congratulations to Megan Pasookhush, PharmD, MBA, RPh, FAARFM, of Wellness Compounding Pharmacy of Carey, Carey North Carolina for being our July Profile in Personalized Medicine. These profiles celebrate members of the PCCA family who have proven to be champions of Pharmacy Compounding by providing the highest quality of service to their patients.

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