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The PCCA Blog



Stay current on PCCA news and events, market trends, and all things compounding!


Matt Martin of PCCA Clinical Services and Melissa Merrell Rhoads, Director of Formulation development discuss two possible alternatives to Dichloralphenazone for compounding pharmacists.


Lip balms provide necessary protection against environmental factors. Fabiana Banov, one of PCCA's Senior Formulation Pharmacists, discusses how compounding pharmacists can flavor lip balms to make them more palatable for patients.


Tricia Heitman of PCCA's Clinical Services Team discusses compounded treatment options for women suffering from atropic vaginitis, vluvar lichen sclerosis, desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, vaginismus, high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction and vulvodynia.

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Congratulations to Michelle Gray, RPh, C4 HRT Specialist, Therapeutic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach and owner of Gray’s Compounding Pharmacy in Kimberley, British Columbia for being our May Profile in Personalized Medicine. These profiles celebrate members of the PCCA family who have proven to be champions of pharmacy compounding by providing the highest quality of service to their patients.

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